Welcome to our eBay Store and Auction page

Revenue from sales will used to support the operation of our ‘Inkipedia’ research site and the SOICmember.com website.

Follow this link to View SOIC Merchandise and Auctions in our eBay store!

In our new store, you will find logo branded items such as ball caps, T-shirts, Polo shirts, and Tote bags.  Additional ‘Buy it now’ merchandise will be added in the near future.  This brings our previous online store back into operation in a new format.

This store format is a result of a suggestion from one of our wonderful members as a way to auction inkwells that may be donated to the Society and make them available to other members and the general public.

The inkwells donated will also become a part of “Inkipedia” which is our new project to catalog online for our members inkwells of all kinds.  We will endeavor to create a rich research tool to enhance our knowledge of inkwells.

Donations of inkwells will of course be needed to make this part of the store successful.  To that end we are making available a Donation Submission Form in a PDF format that you can print and complete for each inkwell to be donated.  The information provided will also be used as a first pass to populate the information for ‘Inkipedia’ when it comes into operation.  If you don’t know or are unsure of the information that is not a problem.  Provide information as best you can our museum panel will review and complete as they can the balance of the information.  If you like, you can try this word document donation form.  We have some work to do to improve it, but you can type in it.

We greatly appreciate your support, participation, and donations!  Member participation is key to our mutual enjoyment of this passion and journey.

If you have questions about donating, the submission form, the new eBay store in general, or would like to make a cash or online donation via PayPal you can send an email to execdir@soicmember.com

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